8 800 333-87-49

Silicon spring water "SiEnergy"


SiENERGY - is natural spring water, perfect for a healthy and active lifestyle.

An adventure that had begun with a search of ancient sacred springs led to the discovery of truly unique water in the picturesque oak-pine forests of the Tashlinsky Mountains, on the banks of the River Volga.

SiEnergy water gets unique properties from its long journey through sand and diatomite rocks where it becomes naturally filtered.

This spring water is enriched with Silicium and has an optimal acid-base balance (pH).

Locals have been drinking this water for more than 400 years and it has long been considered miraculous water.

After extensive testing, it was officially classified as “biologically active water” in recognition of its health benefits.

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Choose the bottle size that suits you and your lifestyle.

So that you could quench your thirst anytime and anywhere, SiEnergy has a perfect solution for any occasion in your life.

To wholesale buyers

As a wholesale customer, you get a number of benefits: special prices for suppliers and much more. If you want to learn more about wholesale purchases, you can request our presentation by filling out the form below.

SiEnergy water — water with unique natural properties

Current promotions


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  • Beauty


    It maintains the skin’s elasticity and suppleness, stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen, boosts your metabolism and fat burning, and purifies the body (detoxication).

  • Health


    Silicium helps the body remove toxins and heavy metals (detox), and boost the body's metabolism.

  • Baby


    Prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and preserves microbiota. Strengthens the immune system. Facilitates the effective absorption of more than 70 micro and macro elements and vitamins by the body.

  • Gourmet


    SiENERGY's perfectly balanced mineral composition enhances the exquisite flavor of dishes and allows you to enjoy every bite of your food.

  • Sport


    Silicium improves endurance and flexibility of joints, elasticity of muscles, removes protein deposits from vascular walls, helps normalize blood circulation, and ensures adequate tissue nutrition.

Place your order here

Fill out the form below and we will get back to you within 15 minutes to confirm your order.


  • Phone number

    8 800 333-87-49

  • E-mail

  • Address

    Moscow, Yerino settlement, 10, office 102

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